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Dosha in couples

Is it better to date someone from the same dosha or rather a complementary dosha to navigate the ocean of love? Explanations.

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What is the Kapha Dosha?

Oprah,Β Scarlett Johansson,Β Jane from Jane The Virgin,Β Pacey from Dawsons.Β The Kaphas are in the house.

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What is the Pitta Dosha?

Samantha from Sex & The City.Β Monica from Friends.Β Madeline from Big Little Lies.Β Hermione Granger from Harry PotterΒ Defs all Pittas.Β See parallels with your personality? Let's deep dive.

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What is the Vata Dosha?

Dawson from Dawson's Creek.Β Charlotte from Sex & the City.Β Phoebe from Friends.Β Elmo from Sesame Street.Β The common thread apart from our questionable taste in TV?Β Yep, all Vatas.

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Ayurvedic constitution : the differenceΒ  between your Prakriti and your Vikriti.

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Vata, Pitta, Kapha, what are the 3 doshas?

Doshas are forces of energy, that are made up of combinations of the natural elements: air, ether (space), fire, water and earth.

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