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Cacao Ceremonies : a powerful spiritual experience
For thousands of years, cacao has been used for its medicinal and spiritual properties. The ancient Mayan and Aztec cultures consumed in ceremonial and ritualistic contexts as it was considered...

Cosmic Dealer, chocolat à faible indice glycémique
Que l’on doive suivre un régime diabétique ou que l’on choisisse de faire une détox de sucre, les alternatives gourmandes à faible indice glycémique peuvent parfois manquer. Et si l’on...

Keto-friendly chocolate : how did blood glucose respond to our Chakras?
We have been harping on about how our Chakras are better alternatives to sugary snacks so we decided to do the test with the team at Hello Inside app. They tested multiple chakra...

Ayurvéda : le yoga en fonction de son dosha
Dans l’Ayurvéda, trois différents types d’énergies existent et chacun est lié à un Dosha: Vata est associé au vent, Pitta au feu et Kapha à l’eau. Connaître son ou ses...

If we have a better understanding of the different phases of our cycle through these doshas, we might learn to live in a deeper harmony with our body working with the cycle of nature, rather than against...

How to be healthy according to Ayurveda?
In Ayurveda, the ultimate act of self-care is to learn to follow the rhythms of nature.

Ecstatic Dance aka the ultimate way to let loose
A form of dance or free movement, with no choreography that can lead to a state of trance or ecstasy where you can feel a natural high.

Dosha in couples
Is it better to date someone from the same dosha or rather a complementary dosha to navigate the ocean of love? Explanations.